Monday, February 4, 2008

As I sit and look around, from my perch,

I feel a small coating of crumbs along the bottoms of my feet, and I start to feel a little quesy. In strolling through the Sixpack today, I actually became aware of the state of living conditions in which we are all currently immersed. It best can be captured in the fact that, as Ruth threw Kraft Singles around Nick and Scott's room, they would get lost among piles of clothes (both dirty and clean, ahem, [blochweh]. you just go by your username now), bubble wrap, guitar boxes, and actual feces. Like, someone squatted, and the evidence is just not to be found, right, Nick? Totes.

I like the art projects that blochweh made for me and Ruth. When I get around to uploading photos one of these days, I'll be sure to share. This is just whetting your appetite. Speaking of which my appetite has been like, ravenous--let's just say, that entire box of Cheez-Its was excellente, Mr. Brian-David Sollo.

Moodlighting and Caffeine-Free Tuesdays: braaaang it.

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